Varicose Veins Treatment In Jalandhar

Are you looking for varicose veins treatment in Jalandhar? Star Hospital is a well-renowned and leading hospital in Jalandhar. We are well-known for treating our patients with the utmost care and responsibility, by the best doctors at an affordable cost. Varicose veins are twisted, swollen, and enlarged blood vessels/veins under your skin surface in the lower body. They mostly affect the lower body because of standing or sitting longer. They are also commonly known as varicosities. They appear purple or blue mostly on your legs, ankles, and feet. These are formed when your valves are damaged, your body’s blood has remained in veins, and blood pressure is increased. For some people, this is not a crucial concern due to little or mild variation. But, it’s an important concern for the remaining people because it would cause them discomfort and pain. And sometimes, if varicose veins are not treated at the proper time they can lead to severe problems.

Varicose Veins Treatment Hospital In Jalandhar


Causes of Varicose veins

The most common cause for varicose veins is the damaged or weak valves of the arteries that carry blood from the legs to the heart working against gravity that return blood to the heart. The muscles of the lower legs tighten to pump, aided by vein walls and valves that prevent backward blood flow, causing congestion in the veins, which can lead to stretching or torsion if they become weak or damaged.

Varicose Veins Symptoms

1) Swelling in lower body.
2) Itching around the lower body where varicose veins are formed.
3) Pain in the lower body especially behind the knees and sometimes it can cause muscle cramps.
4) Cause skin discolouration around varicose veins area.
5) Lower body muscles may feel heavy after exercise or any other physical activity.

There are also some other causes of varicose veins which are:

Standing for a long period

Diagnosis of Varicose veins

The first doctor checks for leg swelling and also can ask you about pain and achings in your legs. Your doctor may conduct a painless venous Doppler ultrasound on your legs to examine blood flow through vein valves using sound waves to detect blood clots.

Varicose Veins Treatment Hospital In Jalandhar

Star Hospital has advanced medical techniques for varicose veins treatment in Jalandhar. Here, the patient will get treatment from a highly experienced doctor as we have the best varicose veins Specialist doctor at Star Hospital. If the case is major our surgeon can recommend varicose veins surgery for the relief of the patient’s pain. The surgery is done with advanced medical equipment and will help treat the swollen veins and improve the blood flow in them. We have outstanding surgeons with years of experience and are ready to provide you with excellent varicose veins treatment in Jalandhar. We also provide other laser treatments such as anal fissure, pilonidal sinus, and piles treatment.

If the self-care does not work or improve your varicose veins then your doctor recommends surgery:-

Sclerotherapy: Varicose veins can be treated by injecting a solution to close them, which resolves within a few weeks. Some of the patients may require multiple injections, which can be done in the office without the need for anesthesia.

Laser treatment: Laser treatment fades varicose veins without cuts or needles by using strong light bursts.
Catheter-based procedures using radiofrequency: This common procedure involves inserting a catheter into a varicose vein, using energy to heat and seal the vein as the catheter is removed.

High ligation and vein stripping: It is a small cut procedure in which the varicose vein, it is removed through small cuts in leg of the patient’s affected area. Deeper leg veins handle most blood flow, so removal doesn’t impede circulation.

Ambulatory phlebectomy: Varicose veins are removed through tiny pricks in the skin, numbing only the targeted area, with minimal scarring.

For any other queries or questions related to varicose veins treatment in Jalandhar contact us or  call us at: +91 98889 58889